updates / mises a jour

Mise à Jour: 01-02-2019




Mise à Jour: 01-04-2019


catalogues DS et ID

a.m. 1963

Mise à Jour: 06-05-2019


toerisme or not tourisme

that is the question

Mise à Jour: 03-06-2019


new and rare items

summersale 10% off


Mise à Jour: 12-07-2019

For Sale: three  collections of PostCards;
cabriolet/décapotable; second nose and third nose
see “Le P’tit Marché”

Mise à jour: 01-09-2019

Besides brochures and documents

now in Le P’tit Marché

miniatures for sale

click on the image here below


Mise à Jour: 1-10-2019

New nice Italian catalogo added to the collection (see 1st, 2nd en 3d nose)

Nice and rare items from CX, XM and C6 for sale in Le P’tit Marché!


Mise à Jour: 2-11-2019

At least five different versions of the “64” DS-ID Rally brochure”

Three French ones and two British ones

France: Two slightly different covers (first two versions with “Continental Rally 1963” and in the third one replaced by “RAC British” (see image below)). The first version 20 pages (less photos; less text); the other two versions 28 pages.

2-11-2019 (cont.)

Angleterre: In the second version (65-8) they skipped a few times the word “Europe” (in 1965 already, they weren’t even part of the EU yet mind you!), like in ‘pleurope’ (= “sod off”; Dutch slang for Brexit)

Mise à Jour: 1-12-2019

Two 66-9 catalogues compared. The left one from Angleterre. The right one from France. Click on the image below and scroll downwards for the comparison:

Mise à Jour: 03-01-2020


Canadian catalogue from mid sixties

Click on the flag or the cover to discover and enjoy!

Mise à Jour: 02-02-2020 (20:20 hrs)

New buttons; easier to navigate between page 1st, 2nd and 3d nose.

Loading brochure pages much faster!

02-02-2020 (cont.)

Easier to order items you desire.

New Helmut Newton photo found!

Mise à Jour: 01-04-2020

New Swedish acquistions (thanks to fellow collector Niels Debeij!)

New Canadian addition to my collection after tip from Niels Debeij and swiftly handled by Mark Krahn:

01-04-2020 (cont.)

Some new German acquistions:

Most Wanted Brochures / Catalogues:

Mise à Jour: 01-05-2020

Sympathetic British add to the collidds-collection:

Most Wanted Brochures / Catalogues!

Mise à Jour: 01-06-2020

Nice and rare Finnish acquisition:

Now treated more extensively in comparison with a French edition.

Some nice German “second nose” additions to the COLLIDDS-collection!

Mise à Jour: 01-07-2020

Swedish beauty: made  or inspired by William Klein?

Mise à Mois: 02-08-2020

Another Scandinavian find:

From some brochures the content is published:

Mise à Mois: 02-09-2020

L’history de la “DH-88-52” en photos (cliquez sur le nez):

Click on the TRICOLORE:

Mise à Mois: 09-10-2020

Some nice GERMAN acquisitions:

and from Great Brittain:

Mise à Mois: 01-11-2020

Corona-lockdown? Order here some books to pass agréable your confinement-time at home:

Mise à Mois: 09-12-2020

Happy X-mas and a happy, healthy and Corona-free 2021 to all the visitors of this website! 

Joho, joho, Santa Claus, your sleigh has arrived!

Mise à Mois: 01-2021

New brochures arrived in the shop, Le P’tit Marché:

Photos by William Klein
Photos by André Martin

Mise à Mois: 03-2021

Various new additions to the COLLIDDS-collection:

Allemagne- Cologne

Mise à Mois: 04-2021

Mise à Mois: 05-2021

Two Swedish Familiales: the first and the last of the D-series

05-2021 (cont.)

New gallery features on the Evolution Technique of the DS and ID

Mise à Mois 07 and 08 2021

A CX on the homepage of collidds.com? Belgian gamme Citroën from model year 1974. Click to enlarge:

Thanks to fellow collector Niels Debeij, I could add this Swedish leaflet to the COLLIDDS-collection.

Mise à Mois 09-2021

FOR SALE: very rare vintage press photo (1958/1959) d’époque and in mint condition of the Citroën ID19 Familiale Commerciale Break (22,5 x 16,5 cm).

It is in fact an image of a pré-série Break. Click for extensive information on the DanchoExpert here above.

When interested, please contact through contactform here below.

Mise à Mois 10-2021

Does this brochure actually exist? By my knowledge never been offered for sale on Ebay or so. Very anxious to learn if there are fellow collectors who have this one in their collection… If so, please contact me!

Mise à Mois 12-2021

With many, many thanks to Mark Krahn from Canada, I could add these lovely brochures to the COLLIDDS-collection!

Mise à Mois 02-2022

New arrivals; reasonable prices for catalogues in Le P’tit Marché

Mise à Mois 04-2022

New arrivals in the COLLIDDS-collection from Australia:

Continued spring 2022 offer:

Buy for over € 100,- (excl. postal fee) in Le P’tit Marché and choose one of the books herunder for free! From each book only one available!

Mise à Mois 06-2022

Some very unique C6 brochures came in for sale:

Timeless Design brochure from Slough UK

Brochure for the French market press from september 2005 (including CD-rom with high res. pictures)

The very first, most early dated brochure appeared when in 2005 in Paris 50 years Citroën DS-ID was celebrated: may 2005!

Click on the image below to go directly to the C6-section of Le P’tit Marché.

Mise à Mois 09-2022

recent acquisitions:

august 1970; model year 1971; Italy

model year 1956, Buckle motors PTY. LTD., Sydney,  Australia

Mise à Mois medio 09-2022

E.xport mystère

(to be solved; á solver)

Mise à Mois medio 12-2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:

Sometimes collecting feels like playing ‘Quartet’

Still looking for the missing ones

Merry X-mas and a happy New Year!

Mise à Mois 02-2023

To be expected last week of April 2023 the first complete Dutch book on the Citroën DS-ID since 1996! Keep an eye on collidds.com.

Recent acquisitions. Click on the image below to enlarge it. On top two similar  mystery dépliants ID19 model year 1966. Both undated. The one exposed with a green interior the other with a red. Why?

Mise à Mois 04-2023

To be expected last week of April 2023 the first complete Dutch book on the Citroën DS & ID since 1996! 

Pré-order now on collidds@gmail.com

Price: € 47,50

To be delivered end of April

Mise à Mois 06-2023

Order here direct from the author the first complete Dutch book on the Citroën DS & ID since 1996:

“Divine Design”

Citroën DS&ID 1955-1975

Use contactform below left.

Mise à Mois 09-2023

Recent acquisitions from Danmark, Gamme 1964, and from Italy, Gamma 1963:

Mise à Mois 02-2024

See the book reviews for the why you should buy it. “The images tell the story.”

Order direct from the author

“Divine Design” Citroën DS&ID 1955-1975 Use contactform below left. Price: € 49,95 (including a contribution of max. € 5,- for package&postal fees)